As a psychotherapist and Jungian analyst I have always been intrigued with, and a little in awe of, melancholic poets and artists. I have often pondered what deep place they go to find their stores of inspiration and creativity. What gods, or goddesses, possess their...

Psychotherapy The word psychotherapy is made up of two root words. Psyche means soul or life spirit and therapeuein is to tend or render service. In this context, psychotherapy is in service to life spirit. It is dedicated to exploring the inner landscape of the...

Healing for an East Indian is based on the ancient Vedas that were passed down to current generations from more than 5,000 years ago. The Vedas have a divine origin and are at the root of all Indian thinking, living, and philosophy. The knowledge found in the Vedas is...

As a Jungian analyst, I keep in mind that dreams give a broader, more inclusive idea of what is going on in the individual’s psyche and deeper layers of the unconscious. I believe the dream provides an accurate snapshot of an individual’s mental and emotional health...

The therapeutic alliance is where we work together collaboratively. In other words, it’s not just you talking and puzzling over your problems or concerns. Or solely about what I do as a therapist, how, when, or why I analyze or intervene. Instead, we interact and work...

I thought Tina Turner’s role in the film What’s Love Got to Do with It? accurately and movingly portrayed the victim of spousal abuse. Tina was born as Anna Mae Bullock and was abandoned at age six by her mother who escaped her own abusive relationship. Anna Mae was a...

As a psychotherapist and Jungian analyst, I believe the myth of Eros and Psyche can be used as a roadmap for the inner quest for wholeness and individuation. In this paper I will also look at the myth in terms the development and integration of the feminine in each of...